Advent and Christmas at St. James Lutheran
Advent Vespers Services
Wednesday Evenings at 7:30 pm
December 4th
December 11th
December 18th
Enjoy a quiet service of reflection each Wednesday evening during Advent. All are invited and welcome.
Lessons and Carols Service
December 22nd at 10 am
A special worship service of Biblical verse and music featuring all St. James music groups.
Christmas Eve Service
December 24 at 4:30 pm
Come celebrate the birth of Jesus at this beloved candlelight service. Open to the community. All are welcome!
Serving Others
A continuation of God's work. Our Hands.
December 12th at 10 am until noon
Join us for fellowship and service projects to benefit community charities. Open to the community. All are welcome!

Graphic design by Rev. Lauren Wright Pittman | A Sanctified Art LLC|

Fellowship Events
Annual Cookie Exchange
Saturday, December 7th at 9 am
Join the Women St. James forte annual cookie exchange. Bring holiday cookies to share and extras for the bake sale on Sunday, December 8th to benefit a local charity. Sign up on the kiosk in the Narthex.
Christmas Caroling
Saturday, December 7th from 3 pm until 6 pm
Come sing carols together as we bring Christmas music to members at home. Transportation and dinner provided. $20 per person. Sign up on the kiosk or email:
Holiday Brass Celebration Concert
December 22nd at 7 pm
Come enjoy a free holiday concert at St. James Lutheran featuring the St. James Brass and the Chicago Brass Band. Open to the community. All are welcome!