Dee Buchowich, liaison to Social Ministry Committee
Bob Kenehan , liaison to Finance Committee
Greg MacAyeal, liaison to Worship and Music Committee
Amy Marsh, liaison to Christian Education Committee
Marty Morgan, liaison to Stewardship Committee
Annie Moss, liaison to Fellowship Committee
Jack Muster, liaison to Christian Education Committee
Bob Narlock, liaison to Property Committee
Denise Norberg-Johnson, liaison to Evangelism Committee
Amy Gillespie, Pastor
Our Committees
Christian Education
The Christian Education Committee oversees the mission of "Making of Disciples" through a wide variety of spiritual learning opportunities. Sunday School, Confirmation Classes and Adult Bible Studies are offered throughout the year for Christian growth.
Youth Ministry
The Youth Ministry Team develops and conducts engaging, age-appropriate programs for the youth at Saint James. The James Group for High School youth participate annually in a summer mission trip.
Social Ministry
The Social Ministry Committee endeavors to extend Christian compassion and helpfulness to all people in need of aid—in body or soul. It strives to enlist as many members of the congregation as possible to to bring God's healing love to the world.
Endowment Fund
The Endowment Fund Committee oversees the investment and use of various endowment funds which support several missions.
The Evangelism Committee plans and executes activities designed to spread the word of God and to draw families into the St. James community of faith.
The Fellowship Committee plans and executes social events that keep our congregation joyfully connected with one another.
The Finance Committee develops the annual budget for the church and oversees the effective management of sources and uses of funds.
The Personnel Committee creates and maintains job descriptions; interviews and selects candidates for employment and oversees staff performance and evaluation.
The Audit Committee oversees the annual audit of the church’s financial records.
Memorial Garden
The Memorial Garden Committee maintains the memorial garden and manages the sale of burial space.
The Property Committee oversees the physical assets of the church and establishes plans and budgets for the upkeep and maintenance of the property.
The Stewardship Committee develops and executes annual stewardshp campaigns.
Worship & Music
The Worship & Music Committee plans all worship services.