Christmas Pageant Reimagined!

All toddlers through 8th graders are invited to come and participate in the Christmas Pageant Reimagined!
The Pageant will be reconstructed and presented during the Children's sermon in costume at the 10am services on Dec. 24th and Jan. 7th!
Please sign up on the kiosk in the narthex which service (or both) and what part you would like to be so a costume can be arranged for you by December 3rd.
December 3: Advent 1: Keep Awake! - 10 am
Bring your pillows! Pastor Amy will read a bedtime story, "Time for Bed."
December 10: Advent 2: John the Baptist - 10 am
The Youth will ask questions of John the Baptist (Estevan in costume) with Mary and Elizabeth (John's mother) sitting on stools in costume.
December 17: Advent 3: Lessons and Carols (No Sunday School) - 10 am
The Children's Choir will be singing "Bethlehem Wind" during the service.
December 24: Advent 4: Christmas Eve Day (No Sunday School) - 10 am
This year the Children's sermon will be interactive with the children helping Pastor Amy tell the story of Christmas.
Pastor Amy will read the Gospel with participants standing on either side of the manger.
9:15 am (Children's Choir and Alumni Choir) to practice singing "What Child is This?". Children will then sit with their parents.
9:30 am (All participants) Get on your costume. We will sit together (except for the sheep, toddlers, who will sit with their parents) in order. At the end of the reading, the Children's Choir and Alumni Choir will sing the 1st verse of "What Child is This?"
Emperor Augustus with scroll
Sign holder - Galilee to Nazareth
Angel of the LORD/Angels
Shepard and Sheep
January 7 Epiphany and Baptism of Our LORD - 10 am
The Kings (Estevan, Peter, and Eva) will walk to the manger singing the 1st verse of "We Three Kings" with Mary, Joseph, King Herod, Scribe (Chief Priests), Prophet, Star, Shepherds, and Sheep around the manger. During the reading, the Kings will present their gifts.