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Give thanks. Be generous. Serve.(2).png

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is a gift of God. (Ephesians 2:8)

November 1, 2022

Dear Friends,

Our lives are grateful responses to what God in Jesus Christ has done for us. When we receive Holy Communion on Sunday morning, we hear the words: the “Body of Christ, given for you,” and “the Blood of Christ, shed for you.” This is the pattern of true Christian worship, that Communion is a gift “for you.” This is the meal of grace; remember, grace means “God’s unmerited favor.”

We respond to this gift in faith, not because we are required to, but because we are inspired to joyfully share a portion of what is wholly a gift to us.


Sunday, November 13 is Commitment Sunday. Included in a letter sent to you are a Commitment Card for 2023 and an Interest Survey. There are links to online versions of these forms below. We ask each member of the household to complete an interest survey. It is intended to encourage us to use our time and talents for the work of the church.


Both the Commitment Card and the Interest Survey can be completed and sent to the church in two ways, electronically or on paper.

  • We encourage you to complete them electronically if you are comfortable. Below you will find links to the forms online. Simply click, complete and submit.

  • If you feel more comfortable completing these on paper, feel free to do so and bring them to church with you or mail them in.

  • At worship on November 13, we will bring our commitment cards forward and place them on the altar. If you submit electronically, simply place your blank card in the basket on that day.


We thank you for your continued generous support. As we begin a new era for St. James, we know we can count on your generosity.


In Christ,

Your Stewardship Team

Michael Montalbano

Dave Moore

Craig Linn

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