Upcoming Fellowship and Social Outreach
Thursday, April 11 from 10 am until noon (Second Thursday Service Project)
God’s Work, Our Hands - Join friends for fellowship at the church and assist with several service projects to benefit St. James outreach partners.
Friday, April 12th from 10:30 am until 12:30 pm)
North Chicago Community High School
St. James will provide lunch for the staff. Please contact Shelly Holmstrom (847-302-6988) if you can help serve or provide part of the menu.
Sunday, April 14th at 5:30 pm
Women of St. James Potluck Friendship Dinner. Friends welcome!
Contact Sue Ebert or Kathy Lowell to help.
Thursday, April 18th at 10 am
Status of the restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris on the 5th anniversary of the fire - a Powerpoint presentation by Detlaf Koska.